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Hyacinthoides hispanica | Spanish Bluebells, Wood Hyacinths

2019 Planted

2022 March 30 (April 29 still blooming)

2023 April 13

2024 April 8

Hyacinthoides hispanica | Spanish Bluebells, Wood Hyacinths

Asparagaceae (Asparagus Family) (Pronounced ah-spare-a-gay-see-eye)

Pronounced Hi-a-cinth-oyds

This is different than my Virginia Bluebells which are perennial.

Spanish Bluebells are bulbs that bloom in the late Spring and are 14 to 18 inches tall. Each bulb has two to six leaves and a stem. The flowers, like their name, are hanging bell-shaped and lavender-blue, which is more like purple-violet to me. They like full sun.

These are some of my new favorite flowers. I love the color and how easy they are to maintain. They die back without cluttering other flowers out, but before doing so, they remain a love stand of green for a while so that part of the garden does not look bare.

Spanish Bluebells do come in other colors, as odd as that may seem.  I am going to look into the 'White City," 'Excelsior,' 'Rose Queen' 'White Lion,' and Rosabella varieties to see if they are something I want to buy. Sometimes they are sold in mixed colors.

It is said that Spanish Bluebells can become invasive if not divided and rehomed regularly, but I have not had that problem as of yet. Do not plant them near English Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) or they marry and create a new hybrid. The stem of the English Bluebells bends over like an arch when in bloom, but the Spanish Bluebells stand straight and tall. This is because the blooms of the English Bluebells are on one side while the Spanish Bluebells are arranged around the stem.

Spanish Bluebells were formerly named Scilla hispanica (which explains why my Squills are sometimes called Bluebells. Sometimes the stores sell them as Scilla campanulata. The true squills bloom about a month earlier than these Bluebells.

I would like to try to grow some in pots too.










Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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