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North Fork Recreation Area

North Fork Recreation Area is locatied on Highway CC. You can find Highway CC from West Plains and travel 17.5 miles. It is before you ge to Dora, Missouri. The address is actually at the city of Pottersville, which is just kind of a fun name! It is barely in the northeast corner of Ozark County. The area is owned by the USDA Forest Service in the Mark Twain National Forest. This area was flooded in 2017 and here in 2022 we are able to enjoy it as rebuilt. We did camp here and although there was no showers and only basic toilets, it was very quiet and we had a great night's sleep. August 14, 2022

I also wrote some poems while laying in the tent that morning. You can read Morning Meet Night and I Sit in the Water and Hello Annoyance.

I failed to take photos of the campsite, but there may be some in the video. There is a large parking lot for day use swimming in the North Fork River. One area is closer to the bridge, but we decided to take this long walk down to a more private area to swim.

We passed up this area and kept walking on all those rocks!

Or better to say that he kept walking to choose our spot.

Here it is. He has chosen! I love the classic bluffs with the trees on top.

Here is a look up river. There are some rapids which I wanted to be closer too, but we settled in where he wanted to be.

Here is a look down river. I wrote a poem about my time in this spot. I love how the river seems to end and yet it keeps going and I love the classic Ozark mountain in the distance.

I finally got what I wanted and we moved up stream to where the rapids are and that is in my poem too.

Here is a look downstream from my new wallow spot! Wallowing in the river is my favorite thing to do!

Picture perfect. I could go many places in our State of Missouri and see a much similar view and be in my happy place.

Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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