My Corner Online


Coreopsis | Tickseed, Calliopsis

First Bloom Dates:

2017 June 10

2019 May 28

2024 May 14


Coreopsis | Tickseed, Calliopsis

Asteraceae (Daisy and Sunflower Family) (Pronounced  ass-ter-AY-see-eye )

Pronounced Core-ee-OP-sis

There are about 80 species of Coreopsis. I learned from experience that the height varies greatly between species, so be sure to read the labels.

The name "tickseed" is because the seeds resemble ticks, but then again, don't most seeds kind of look like ticks?

The name Coreopsis is from the Greek words "koris" which means "bug," and "opsis" which means "like," hence the common name of tickseed.

I have discovered that a great companion plant is Moss Phlox which blooms before the Threadleaf Coreopsis in the same spot! The Coreopsis is not present when the Moss Phlox blooms and then it grows through the Phlox and taller. They grow in the same spot!

My varieties of coreopsis.

1. Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam | Threadleaf Coreopsis, Whorled Coreopsis

Pronounced Core-ee-OP-sis  Ver-tiss-eh-lay-tuh (refers to whorls in leaves); planted in 2021

Creamy yellow, 24 inches, smooth tips, no teeth; Palmately three-parted leaves with thread-like segments are whorled around the stem; Spreads by rhizomes and self-seeding and can be spread by division in the early Spring.

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf; gifted from a friend; bright yellow flowers; planted in 2017

3. Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunkiss' Planted in 2024. It has a height of 12 to 14 inches tall, which is perfect for my garden. Grandiflora means "large flowers," but the flowers did not seem too large to me.

4. Coreopsis rosea "American Dream" Planted in 2024; 8 to 16 inches; blooms pink.

Coreopsis has confused me much over the years because the leaves of the ones I have had look so different. Some leaves are, I believe, lanceleaf, and another kind of round leaves, and the latest varieties have been threadleaf.  The threadleaf varieties I confuse with creeping phlox early in the Spring until they suddenly take off and get much taller to identify themselves. They seem fern-like to me.

 I have tags for these, but I never remember them blooming and do not have them:

Threadleaf Coreopsis Sizzle & Spice "Crazy Cayenne' which is red (2021);

Coreopsis rosea 'American Dream' which blooms pink (2020) (24-36 inches) Seems I bought it again in 2024! Let's hold onto it this time!

These are sun-loving flowers. They make good cut flowers.

The flowers are most often yellow, but sometimes a bicolor of red and yellow. The petals are singular and daisy-like. Most varieties are tooth-tipped.

Deadheading the flowers encourages more blooms. Mine bloom several times a season.

Some varities:

Coreopsis auriculata | Mouse Ear – leaves stick out like mouse ears

Coreopsis grandiflora – large flowers

Coreopsis lanceolata | Lanceleaf Coreopsis

Coreopsis nana | Dwarf Mouse Ear

Coreopsis rosea | pink flowers

Coreopsis tinctoria | an annual

Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

3. Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunkiss'

3. Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunkiss'

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

1. Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

3. Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunkiss'


1. Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

1. Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead

2. NOID Coreopsis verticillata | Threadlead


In 2024, I no longer have this variety. I am not sure what it is, but the flower looks similar, but the leaves are not threadleaf. Maybe it is lanceleaf? Because the coreopsis have such different leaves, as you can see here compared to above, I am always confused in identifying them. I am trying to get better.








Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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