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Ratibida pinnata | Grayhead Prairie Coneflower, Drooping Coneflower, Gray-headed Mexican Hat

Ratibida pinnata | Grayhead Prairie Coneflower, Drooping Coneflower, Gray-headed Mexican Hat

Synonyms: Lepachys pinnata, Rudbeckia pinnata

Asteraceae (Daisy and Sunflower Family) (Pronounced  ass-ter-AY-see-eye )

Pronounced ruh-TIBB-ih-duh   Pih-NAY-tuh

Then name "pinnata" is attributable to the pinnately leaves. Pinnately means that the leaf is divided into smaller leaflets along each side of the stalk.

The name "Mexican hat" is because the cone is elongated and resembles the crown of a sombrero.

This plant is tall at 3 to 5 feet high.

When crushed, the disk heads (grey-brown cone) of the flowers smell like anise (which is black licorice aroma). Six yellow petal rays droop down from the ellipsoid.

There is one to twelve flowers on each stalk, but only one flower per stem branching off of the stalk. The stems have hairs.

The leaves are at the base of the stalk, and the stalks are long and look naked. Leaves are deeply divided with 3 to 7 lobes. Upper leaves are unlobed.

The plant is a native plant in Missouri and grows in the prairies, woods, and along roads and railroad tracks.

The plant likes the sun and is drought tolerant.

I received this plant for free when one day I was at our local conservation building and an employee was maintaining the garden by digging up some of this plant to thin it. I asked if I could have some, and was delighted to receive a nice bunch of it.

Goldfinch are attracted to this flower. I have to smile because the color of the flower matches the color of the bird it attracts.

This plant spreads by rhizomes and can be divided in the Spring. It can also be spread by seed.

After blooming, I cut the flowers and long stalks off to not only discourage random spreading by seed, but also to keep the garden looking organized and clean.


I took this photo while counting that they have 9 petals. In the above video, I see I miscounted 8 one time. They all have 9 petals.




Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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