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Veronica | Speedwell, Bird's Eye, Gypsyweed

Veronica | Speedwell, Bird's Eye, Gypsyweed

Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family) Pronounced Plant-tage-in-aye-see-eye

Formerly in the Scrophulariaceae Family

Pronounced ver-RON-nick-kuh

1. Veronica spicata 'Magic Show' 'Pink Potion' | Spiked Speedwell

14 to 16 inches height; baby pink flowers; planted 2024

Best in loamy, humus (aka composted) soil and full sun; deadhead

Spiked Speedwell is known for its spiked long-lasting flowers

2. Veronica longifolia 'Skyward' 'Blue' | Speedwell

14 to 18 inches height; planted in 2024

The name "longifolia" is because this species is long-leafed.

3. Veronica longifolia 'Very Van Gogh' | Speedwell

18-20 inches height; rosy-purple flowers; Planted in 2022; I think hubby weeded it in 2023

Other species: V. austriaca, V. gentianoides, V. incana

These plants can be divided in the Spring.

Veronica is a neat and tidy plant.

Most Veronica plants are upright flowers, but some are creeping varieties.

The name “Speedwell” refers to the medicinal qualities for a quick return to health.

The name "Veronica" has been said to honor of Saint Veronica, an Italian saint.

Some say the name is Greek words "phero" meaning "I bring" and "nike" meaning "victory' and "beronlike" meaning "faithful likeness."

Still other say the name is Latin words "vera" meaning "true" and "icon" meaning "image" referring to the Veil of Veronica. In medieval times, the Veil of Veronica was thought to be the truthful representation of Jesus Christ, preceding the Shroud of Turin. The story is that Veronica was one of the holy women who accompanied Jesus Christ to Calvary. She offered him a towel or veil to wipe his face to relieve his suffering on the road to Calvary, and the image of Christ’s face was imprinted on it when he died. Veronica offered an act of kindness as she approached Jesus through the guards and the soldiers, risking punishment in order to offer Jesus a cloth, likely her veil, which He accepted and used to wipe his face.

In Ireland, the plant was pinned on the clothing to keep travelers from accidents.


1. Veronica spicata 'Magic Show' 'Pink Potion' | Spiked Speedwell - I just bought it this year and it had a tiny bloom, but I took a photo to document what the leaves look like.

2. Veronica longifolia 'Skyward' 'Blue' | Speedwell - Blooming first year planted. It's not blue! In above video.

2. Veronica longifolia 'Skyward' 'Blue' | Speedwell

2. Veronica longifolia 'Skyward' 'Blue' | Speedwell - This is what the "long" leaves look like.

2. Veronica longifolia 'Skyward' 'Blue' | Speedwell


3. Veronica longifolia 'Very Van Gogh' | Speedwell - this is beautiful! Too bad hubby weeded it the next year.

3. Veronica longifolia 'Very Van Gogh' | Speedwell


I think this is also 3. Veronica longifolia 'Very Van Gogh' | Speedwell. I must have planted it in 2021.


Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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