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Aquilegia | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet, European crowfoot

Aquilegia | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet, European crowfoot

Ranunculaceae ( Buttercup Family) Pronounced Ruh-nunc-you-lace-ee-eye

Pronounced  Ack-wuh-leesh-ia  Vul-gar-is

The name "aquilegia" is from the Latin word for "eagle" referring to the five spurs which look like an eagle's talon. Just as a side fun fact, an eagle has four toes on each foot, each with a talon, or sharp claw.

Aquilegia vulgaris is the most common variety of Columbine. The name "vulgaris" is from the Latin word for "common." This is a European native.

The common name of "Columbine" is from the Latin word "columba" which means "dove-like."

This is a shade plant, or known as a woodland plant. It goes well with Hosta, ferns, and Huechera.

My species is Aquilegia caerulea  'Kirigami Rose and Pink' which was planted in 2024. 18 to 24 inches high. It is odd that this is the blue species of caerulea and yet these are a deep rose and a soft pink color. (I have to wait for it to bloom next Spring to get photos.)

Blooms come in the colors of blue, violet, white, pink, and red. I think the blooms are kind of funny looking with the sepals spreading outward and the short-hooked spurs coming downward which is said to resemble an eagle's talons. People sure do have an imagination! The five petals are beautiful though!

Some specials are single or double flowers, and some are short-spurred or spurless.

Remove flower stems after blooming to encourage new blooms. Cut back to ground around mid-Summer.

It blooms in the early Spring.

Some other species are:

Aquilegia caerulea (blue columbine from Rocky Mountains) The name is Latin for "blue sky."

Aquilegia chrysantha (golden columbine from Rocky Mountains)

Aguilegia canadensis (wild, eastern red columbine)

Species I have bought in the past but no longer have are:

Aquilegia 'Winky Blue & White'; planted in 2022

Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Blue & White'; planted in 2020, 15 to 18 inches high



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